Right now, we pay money for our lawns to look the same every year. My dream is to see your money put to use in a way that helps both “the” environment and helps your environment - that is, turning your back yard into a blissful, productive place to be. That’s why we’ve started with organic gardens - it’s an investment that doesn’t just look good, it’s productive and pays you back with tasty produce year after year. The next two steps are 1. to reintroduce native plant species into our back yards and 2. to build solar powered hangout areas where you can do work, relax, or read a book.

Reintroducing native plant species into our back yards does a few things for you. First of all, native trees and bushes are accustomed to our climate, so they don’t need special watering or other care. Secondly, unlike grass, native plant species require less maintenance. They can be taken care of once or twice a year instead of every week.

The hangout areas we have planned would provide slight heat or air conditioning for a little extra comfort in the hot and cool months. They are complete with an outlet for charging things like laptops and phones. This way you can spend more time outside and get the fresh air you need while taking time to read a book or do work.